
11.30am: Keynote Session – What it really means to go digital

Eventbrite - Liverpool Business Fair 2020

Jon Mahoney – Head of Digital Advocacy, Bottomline Technologies

We hear about ‘digital transformation’ every day, but what does it really mean to even the most non-tech of businesses?

In this session, we’ll discuss:

  • The new normal: What does the landscape look like for businesses in early stages of growth?
  • The ‘no thanks’ economy: The customer is still always right, however…
  • Digital cashflow: What does the consumerisation of payments mean for small businesses today?
  • Alternative approaches: Understand how new technology can generate competitive advantage.

About Jon Mahoney

With over 15 years’ experience in payments and financial technology – as a software engineer, then Head of User Experience and now digital strategist – Jon offers an insightful view on the rapidly-changing world that businesses of all sizes can thrive in.

Bottomline Technologies